
2019-12-23 13:56 470332次浏览



  《Scholarship in Citius》 【文学作品】

  本篇文章出了8道题目,讲述了主人公在在Citius这个城市变成学者的故事以及对以前生活的回忆。原文中出现这句话 (Although I always admire the scholarship in Citius, I know I shouldn't be scholar…),阐述了作者对于学术的渴望和纠结。

  本篇文章出现了8道题,其中一道考查了took up在文章中的含义。



  文章介绍了两种鲨鱼御寒的方式。一种鲨鱼生活在Alaska,一种生活在Arctic Ocean。Salmon Shark常年保持着活跃,通过维持较高的新陈代谢在极度低温的环境中保持自己的细胞温度。这类文章在SSAT历年真题中频繁出现,之前曾经出现过描述蓝鳍金枪鱼和剑鱼在低温中保持体温不受地域限制的内容。本篇文章提问了salmon shark保持体温的原理以及“Either maintain a temperate of xxx℉or let body cool down…..either 和or”在文章中的作用。



  《A Misty Day》【诗歌】

  美国诗人保罗.劳伦斯.邓巴的诗歌,我们对他的《Not They Who Soar》和《We wear the mask》都非常熟悉。本次的A Misty Day以一种凄冷、迷雾重重的山林之景描绘了作者失去爱人之后内心的惆怅。

  A Misty Day

  by Paul Laurence Dunbar

  Heart of my heart, the day is chill,

  The mist hangs low o'er the wooded hill,

  The soft white mist and the heavy cloud

  The sun and the face of heaven shroud.

  The birds are thick in the dripping trees,

  That drop their pearls to the beggar breeze;

  No songs are rife where songs are wont,

  Each singer crouches in his haunt.

  Heart of my heart, the day is chill,

  Whene'er thy loving voice is still,

  The cloud and mist hide the sky from me,

  Whene'er thy face I cannot see.

  My thoughts fly back from the chill without,

  My mind in the storm drops doubt on doubt,

  No songs arise. Without thee, love,

  My soul sinks down like a frightened dove.


  1. 第一段sun指什么?

  2. 第二段作者的语气?

  3. pearl是什么意思?

  4. The birds are thick in the dripping trees表现出什么样的景色?

  5. 最后一句的修辞手法。


  《His New Mittens》【长篇小说选段】

  小说选自我们熟悉的美国作家Stephen Crane的作品《His New Mittens》,考试曾经考察过他的作品《The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky》,《Red Badge of Courage》。考试的选段从一个小男孩Horace 的角度讲述假装装病节食,试图向妈妈复仇,但又担心不能成功的内心波动。

  Alone in the kitchen, Horace stared with sombre eyes at the plate of food. For a long time he betrayed no sign of yielding. His mood was adamantine. He was resolved not to sell his vengeance for bread, cold ham, and a pickle, and yet it must be known that the sight of them affected him powerfully. The pickle in particular was notable for its seductive charm. He surveyed it darkly.

  But suddenly it occurred to him that the first part of his revenge was in danger of failing. The thought struck him that his mother might not capitulate in the usual way. According to his recollection, the time was more than due when she should come in, worried, sadly affectionate, and ask him if he was ill. It had then been his custom to hint in a resigned voice that he was the victim of secret disease, but that he preferred to suffer in silence and alone. If she was obdurate in her anxiety, he always asked her in a gloomy, low voice to go away and leave him to suffer in silence and alone in the darkness without food. He had known this maneuvering to result even in pie.



  《songbird》的拍摄者 【说明文】



  《Thomas Bruce》 【说明文】

  讲述了奥斯曼帝国大使Thomas Bruce设法阻止当地民众烧毁手帕提农神庙雕像的故事。他本想以七千英磅的价格将雕塑出售给政府,但遭到政府拒绝。最终就以半价卖给了英国的博物馆,但是出售的合法问题遭到了其他人的质疑。文章提问了主人公的职业,答案选择diplomatic。  



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