
2020-06-10 14:41 29165次浏览


  这是一个广告类的小话题. 比较考察大家平时对生活,广告/商业的看法和积累。

  但是就审题来看,比较常规,探讨的是 广告和商业成功的关系。有很多可以切入的点。

  1.绝对词:any business 任何商业成功。比较绝对。可以举反例:比如 富士康加工工厂;律师事务所并没有打广告,因为他们不是面对广大的消费者。


  2. A of money: 很多的钱。会给公司造成经济负担,导致没有足够的钱去做产品的研发,售后服务等。这样会影响公司的长远发展。比如人们继续购买苹果,即使在他们没有打广告的时候,是因为他们的产品的性能,设计好。

  3. Has to spent on advertising:广告的效果。广告确实在刚开始的时候会有一定的效果,宣传自己,吸引消费者的注意力。比如Luckin 咖啡。但是如果产品的质量不好,消费者就不会继续买单,广告就没有效果了。



  分论点1:Not all companies necessitate advertising to prosper.

  — We may be deeply impressed byhow Steve Jobs successfully saved the nearly bankrupt Apple company in 1995bylaunching an aggressive advertising campaign about the first version of iMac and iPhones. (写作团素材)Therefore, some may easily assume that the key to success for any company is good advertising. However, except those whose target customers are the mass of people,companies do not have to pour a large sum of money on promotion to make everyone familiar with their productsfor their number of clients are relatively small, such as Foxconn, a well-known manufactory fashioning iPhones for Apple.

  分论点2:Even for companies that depend on the advertisement to promote their products, they do not have to squander(挥霍) their money on advertising.

  — Advertisements do work like a charm in the beginning, especially when the company is releasing a new product to the market. For example, Apple;Channel 等都会在发布新一季服装的时候在各种社交媒体上打广告

  — However,  the reason we still purchase their products even when they are not on the front page is their solid quality and fabulous design.

  分论点3:What’s worse, heavy investment in advertising will undermine a company in the long term.

  — 因为the more money is allocated to promotion,the less money to improve quality, after service and so on.



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