雅思口语part3 备考两大方法及范文

2017-12-14 16:35 1904641次浏览



雅思口语part3 备考两大方法及范文


  第一,要提前准备话题故事, 即准备聊天的素材。就像做蛋糕,你总是要有个蛋糕的坯子。

  举例说,一个出国留学的话题就能对付至少5个相关的话题,比如,可能是生日聚会上和已经出国留学的同学聊天内容聊天到出国, 也可以是自己的生活的变化,也可以是自己人生中的重要的决定, 也可以是a difficult thing you did well,也可以是一次meal you had with others,更可以是一次散步时你和家人或者和同学聊天的经历。

  关键看你的重点是什么, 但前提是你必须有个大致的故事框架,才有可能自然的完善这个故事。

  到第三部分, 其实还是这些相关内容,只不过是random shoot, 考官问哪些, 你就说哪些就Ok了,核心的备考内容还是一样的,这样可以更有效率的准备。



  所以,我们从小就适应的坐等老师给正确答案的习惯要彻底改变了,学会思考, 更要学会defend yourself. 比如,很多童鞋喜欢玩电脑游戏,喜欢上网, 如果要问为什么, 常常看见他们一脸迷茫,喃喃的来句: “没有为什么啊,大家都这样啊”。表情很cute, 回答很悲催。


  比如,why there are more and more young couples choosing not to have children?原因很多, 没钱,没时间,没兴趣都有可能, 但是哪些对你来说比较有触动, 或者比较有直接的想法就说那个。

  话题:an old person you respect. 尊敬的老人。


  1.In your culture, what kinds of people can be leaders?

  2.Has there been a change in the characteristics that leaders should have?

  3."Many women are earning more money now, does it mean that they can be leaders?


  1.Well, generally Chinese people think a leader should be able to clarify direction through strategies and provide guidance for other people. So leaders must be individuals who establish and reinforce core behavioral values, select the talent and provide guidance for decision-making and on-going talent development.

  2Um...well,I think the historic view of the leader is one of command and control, where the leader takes a strong role in issuing directives and enforcing their execution. However, in today's fast-changing world, the leader should be more concerned with ensuring clarity around overall direction and finding ways to support key resources and teams in their pursuit of strategy.

  3.Well, women can definitely be leaders. In fact, they can be great leaders. In our world today, many successful women occupy high positions in a company or even in a government and it’s not uncommon at all. Hilary Clinton, for instance, is even fairly likely to be president of the United States. My mom runs a small clothing company and there are over 100 people working for her. So, yeah, I don’t think it’s because women are earning more that they can be leaders. Men and women are the same and as long as you’re capable, you can be a leader, regardless of your gender.


雅思口语part3 备考两大方法及范文


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