
2017-12-15 16:35 1904566次浏览

  1. 构成现在世界基础的许多元素都起源于中国。

  答案:Many elements that constitute the foundation of the modern world originated in China.


  结构:Many elements ________ all originated in China.

  综合:Many elements (that/which constitute/make up the foundation of the modern world) originated in China.

  注意:不可以用consist,A consist of B. A由B组成,而题目需要表述的B由A来组成。

  originate动词既可以用被动也可以用主动,区别在于:be originated by … 意思是:由…发明创造;originate in 意思是:发源于,起源于


  2. 反应在艺术和文学中的乡村生活理想是中国文明的重要特征。这在很大程度上归功于道家(Taoist)对自然的感情。

  答案:The rural life ideal reflected in the arts and literature is an important feature of Chinese civilization, which, to a large extent, can be attributed to the Taoist affection towards nature.


  结构:The rural life ideal ___________ is an important feature of Chinese civilization. This can be attributed to ________.

  综合:The rural life ideal reflected in the arts and literature is an important feature of Chinese civilization, which, to a large extent, can be attributed to the Taoist affection towards nature.


  Be attributed to 可以替换成 be ascribed to;feature可以替换成characteristic;affection可以换成love/feeling

  3. 各类艺术一派繁荣,涌现了很多文学、历史、哲学巨著。

  答案:With all sorts of arts flourishing, there emerged many great works in literature, history and philosophy.


  结构:With all sorts of arts flourishing, there were/emerged/appeared _________.

  综合:With all sorts of arts flourishing, there were/emerged/appeared many great works in literature, history and philosophy.

  注意:第二部分显然是很多文学、历史、哲学巨著【涌现】。翻译中第一个版本用and将两个分句连起来,All kinds of art flourished and there were many great works in literature, history and philosophy。而第二个版本用一个with…的结构把两个部分连起来,均可以。

  4. 这一新公布的计划旨在减少四种主要污染源,包括500万辆机动车的尾气(exhaust)排放、周边地区燃煤、来自北方的沙尘暴和本地的建筑灰尘。

  答案:This newly announced plan aims to reduce four major pollution sources, including exhaust emissions from over 5 million vehicles, the burning of coals in the surrounding areas, the sandstorms and dust storms from the north areas, and the local construction dusts.


  结构:This ____ plan aims to reduce ____, including ____, ____, ____, and ____.

  综合:This newly announced plan aims to reduce four major pollution sources, including exhaust emissions from over 5 million vehicles, the burning of coals in the surrounding areas, the sandstorms and dust storms from the north areas, and the local construction dusts.

  注意:该句话including后面必须以名词为主导,比如有同学翻译成including burn coals in the surrounding areas肯定是错误的。

  5. 另一个主题则是乡村生活的种种乐趣,画有渔夫在湖上打渔,农夫在山上砍柴采药,或是书生坐在松树下吟诗作画。

  答案:The other theme describes all kinds of joy in the rural life. In these paintings, fishermen are fishing on the lake; farmers are cutting firewood and gathering herbs in the mountains; or scholars are composing poetry and painting under the pine trees.

  解析:另一个主题(则是)【乡村生活的】种种乐趣,画有渔夫【在湖上】(打渔),农夫【在山上】(砍)柴(采)药,或是书生【坐在松树下】(吟)诗(作)画。砍柴采药:cut firewood and gather herbs;吟诗作画:compose poetry and paint(稍微土一点的版本:write poems and paint pictures)

  综合:The other theme describes all kinds of joy in the rural life. In these paintings, fishermen are fishing on the lake; farmers are cutting firewood and gathering herbs in the mountains; or scholars are composing poetry and painting under the pine trees.

  注意:成语俗语的翻译最为有趣。我们发现翻译并不难,但是必须分析成语俗语的意思,把他们先写成白话,再写成英文容易翻译的模式。举例:浑水摸鱼 = 摸鱼在浑水里 to catch fish in troubled water;空中楼阁 = 空中的一个楼阁 a castle in the air;巧妇难为无米之炊 = 没有米,一个灵巧的主妇都无法做出一顿饭 even a good housewife cannot make meals without rice.

  6. 它既包括为皇室成员享乐而建造的大型花园,也包括学者、商人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的外部世界而建造的私家花园。

  答案:It includes not only the large gardens built for royal family to have fun, but also the private gardens built as secluded retreats for scholars, merchants and retired government workers to get rid of the noise in the outside world.


  结构:It includes not only the large gardens _________, but also the private gardens __________.


  the large gardens (which are) built for royal family to have fun (土人级)

  the large gardens as an entertainment venue for royal family


  the private gardens which are built for scholars, merchants and retired government workers to get rid of the noise in the outside world (土人级)

  the private gardens built as secluded retreats for scholars, merchants and retired government workers.


  7. 年均10%的GDP增长已使五亿多人脱贫。联合国的“千年(millennium)发展目标”在中国均已达到或即将达到。目前,中国的第十二个五年规划强调发展服务业和解决环境及社会不平衡的问题。

  答案:The GDP average annual growth of 10% has made over 500 million people get rid of poverty. The Millennium Development Goals of the U.N. either have been achieved or will be achieved soon in China. Currently, the 12th Five-Year Plan of China emphasizes the development of service industry and the solutions to environment and the imbalance of society.

  结构:GDP(增长)at 年均10%, which 已使五亿多人脱贫。



  注意:第一句使用(GDP growth at an average annual rate of 10% has made over 500 million people get rid of poverty.)也可以。第二句用时态体现(已)(即将)。第三(发展)和(解决)是强调的两个并列宾语,翻译成名词最符合英语的习惯,如果翻译成动词,必须用动名词(即Currently, the 12th Five-Year Plan of China emphasizes developing service industry and solving environmental problem and the imbalance of society.)。

  8. 中国政府一直提倡“以人为本”的发展理念,强调人们以公交而不是私家车出行。它还号召建设“资源节约和环境友好型”社会。有了这个明确的目标,中国城市就可以更好地规划其发展,并把大量投资转向安全、清洁和经济型交通系统的发展上。

  答案:The Chinese government invariably advocates the idea for development: “people are the basics” and emphasizes that one should take public transportation rather than drive private cars. It also calls for the construction of a “resource-saving and environment-friendly” society. With this clear goal, Chinese cities can better make plan for their development, and transfer a great deal of investment to the development of safe, clean and economical transportation system.




  版本1:The Chinese government invariably advocates the idea for development: “people are the basics” and emphasizes that one should take public transportation rather than drive private cars. It also calls for the construction of a “resource-saving and environment-friendly” society.

  版本2:The Chinese government has always been advocating the idea of “people-oriented” developing concept, stressing that people should take bus instead of driving private cars to travel. It also calls for the construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.


  版本1:With this clear goal, Chinese cities can better make plan for their development, and transfer a great deal of investment to the development of safe, clean and economical transportation system.

  版本2:With this clear goal, China can have a better-planned urbanization process, and turn a lot of investment to the development of safe, clean and economical transportation system.


  9. 大妈是对中年妇女的称呼,但是现在特指不久前金价大跌时大量购买黄金的中国妇女。

  答案:The word “dama” is used to describe middle-aged women. However, it is regarded as a special word to call those Chinese women who purchased a large amount of gold when the gold price decreased sharply not long ago.



  10. 也是在明代,由郑和率领的船队曾到印度洋进行了七次大规模探险航行。还值得一提的是,中国文学的四大经典名著中有三部写于明朝。

  答案:Also in the Ming Dynasty, the fleet led by Zheng He went to the Indian Ocean for seven large-scale expedition sailings. It is worth mentioning that three of the four classic masterpieces of Chinese literature have been written during Ming Dynasty.






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