
2018-08-07 10:13 1751265次浏览



  一、发音方面的难点Pronunciation Difficulties

  很多考生面临的问题来自对英语发音特点的不熟悉。Most of the listening problems students facestem from(来自)unfamiliarity with certain pronunciation features.

  难点在于以下四个方面The four main areas of difficulty are:

  1.不熟悉读音和拼写之间的联系Weak relationship between sounds and spelling

  2.不熟悉句子层面的节奏模式Rhythm patterns at sentence level

  3.同一个音的不同发音方法Different ways of pronouncing the ‘same’ sound

  4.自然连读时发音的改变Changes in sound when they occur in natural connected speech

  最大的难点恐怕在于最后一项,因为连读影响考生理解录音的全文意思和特定的信息~The biggest problemfor IELTS students would appear to beconnected speechbecause this will affect their ability to understandboth overall meaning and specific information.

  二、五大类Connected Speech总结

  很多考生习惯了清晰的发音,这导致他们经常把精力放在单个单词的发音上~Many learners are used to sympathetic teacherstalking clearly and emphatically(重读地). They often focus on how theindividual word soundsand this problem becomes worse the more removed their language is from English.

  一旦单词用在语速很快的句子中,会出现省音,还有一些音会连读~Once words are used ina natural rapid-fire(急速的)sentence, this dependence on how individual words sound causes big problems. Some soundsdisappear, some sounds areaddedand others seem tojoin together.

  1.元音的弱化Weakening of Vowels

  很多元音在单独读单词时会重读,但放在句子中会被弱读~Many vowels that werepreviously stressed in isolated wordsbecome weakened.

  What are you doing? The ‘you’ changes from /ju:/ to /jə/.

  Talk to him. The ‘to’ changes from /tu:/ to /tə/.

  A packet of crisps. The ‘of’ changes from/ɒv/ to /əv/ or /ə/.


  Some sounds disappear altogether when said in a sentence.

  ‘probably’ sounds like /prɒlɪ/ when it appears in a natural sentence.

  t有时会省音,如next week中的t~It is also common for the /t/ sound to disappear from the end of words. For example, /neks/ instead of /nekst/ in the phrase ‘I’ll see you next week’.


  为了提高说话的效率,发音会有细微的调整~A lot of pronunciation is about efficiency and speakers often modify their pronunciationin order to save effort.

  ‘ten bikes’ sounds like ‘tem bikes’. Say both. Which is easier to say?


  当单词以辅音结尾,下一个单词是元音开头时~Whenthe last sound of a word is a consonantandthe next sound is a vowel, they link. Think about how you would naturally say this sentence.

  Is it a boy or a girl? --‘Is’, ‘it’ and ‘a’ will all link; as will ‘or’ and ‘a’.


  当单词以元音结尾,下一个单词是辅音开头时~Whenthe last sound of a word is a vowelandthe next sound is also a vowel, we often add an extra sound which may be either/ j /, / w / or / r /.

  Law(r)and order.

  I’ll do/ w/it.




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