
2018-08-17 10:45 1735263次浏览


  191. previous ['pri?v??s]: adj. 以前的;(to)在……之前

  Enough material should be collected previous to writing. 写作之前要收集足够的材料。

  192. sensitive ['sens?t?v]: adj. 敏感的;神经过敏的;易受伤害的

  Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light. 感光纸(相纸)对光十分敏感。

  193. drain [dre?n]: vt. 排走;渐渐耗尽;vi. 慢慢流掉;n. 耗竭;排水管

  The rainwater drained away slowly because the drain was blocked. 雨水排得很慢,因为排水沟给堵住了。

  194. enforce [?n'f?rs]: vt. 实施;强迫

  I won’t compromise. Don’t enforce obedience on me. 我不会妥协,不要强迫我服从。

  195. refresh [r?'fre?]: v.(使)振作精神

  Enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become refreshed. 应该留足够的时间睡觉,因为那有助于恢复精力。


  196. offensive [?'fens?v]: adj. 冒犯的;攻击性的;n. 进攻

  Don’t glare at wild animals’ eyes. That will be taken as an offensive gesture. 别盯着野生动物的眼睛看,那会被视作攻击性的姿态。

  197. disorder [d?s'??d?]: n. 混乱;骚乱;失调

  The room is in disorder. It’s time to tidy it up. 房间很乱。该收拾一下了。

  198. format ['f??m?t]: n. 设计;样式;vt. 使格式化

  Many literary classics are now reissued in a new format. 许多文学名著现在以新的版式再版。 199. bore [b??]: vt. 使厌烦;钻(孔);n. 令人讨厌的人(或事)

  Don’t bore me with this kind of boring jokes! 别再说这种无聊的笑话来烦我!

  200. delete [d?'li?t]: vt. 删除

  For most people, their first love can’t be easily deleted from their memory. 对大多数人来说,初恋总是不能轻易地从记忆中抹去。

  201. potential [p?'ten?l]: adj. 潜在的;n. 潜力

  If you don’t have self-confidence, your potential won’t grow. 如果没有自信,就不能发挥出你的潜力。

  202. vital ['va?t?l]: adj. 生死攸关的,极其重要的;充满生机的

  The industry is of vital importance to the national economy. 工业在国民经济中至关重要。

  203. appropriate [?'pr??pr??t]: adj. 适当的;vt. 私占;拨出(款项等)供专用

  Casual dresses are not appropriate for a formal ball. 便装不适合在正式的舞会上穿。

  204. condemn [k?n'dem]: vt. 谴责;判……刑

  Adding erotic contents in children’s websites should be seriously condemned. 在儿童网站加载色情内容应受到严厉的谴责。

  205. sheer [???]: adj. 完全的;陡峭的;极薄的;adv. 陡峭地;vi. (off)急转向

  Success is not achieved by sheer luck. 成功不是完全靠运气取得。

  206. legislation [led??s'le??n]: n. 法律;立法

  In the U.S. the right of legislation belongs to the Congress. 美国的立法权属于国会。

  207. investigate [?n'vest?ɡe?t]: v. 调查

  Sherlock Holmes investigated many cases by following the footprints left at the scene of the crime. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯通过犯罪现场留下的脚印调查过多宗案件。

  208. mislead [m?s'li?d]: vt. 使误解;把……带错路;把……带坏

  Juveniles lacking social experience are likely to be misled by strange people’s appearance. 缺乏社会经验的青少年容易被陌生人的外表所迷惑。

  209. inherit [?n'her?t]: vt. 继承

  If you could just have one choice, which one would you choose to inherit from your parents: money or wisdom? 如果你只能从父母那儿选择一样东西来继承,你会选择金钱还是智慧?

  210. pension ['pen??n]: n. 养老金;vt. 发给……养老金

  In the days of inflation people on retirement pensions find it difficult to live. 在通货膨胀的日子里,靠退休金生活的人发现很难过活。

  211. engage [?n'ɡed?]: vt. 占用;使从事,使忙于;雇;使订婚;vi. (in)从事于

  Do you want to be engaged in politics or business? 你想从政还是从商?

  212. commission [k?'m???n]: n. 委员会;佣金;委托;vt. 委任

  Today, insurance salesmen can get considerable commission on their successful sales. 现在,保险推销员可从成功销售中获得可观的佣金。

  213. theme [θi?m]: n. 主题,题目

  It is a common theme in many fiction stories that the world may one day be taken over by robots. 这个世界可能有一天会被机器人接管,这是许多科幻小说的共同主题。

  214. implement ['?mpl?m?nt]: vt. 使生效,实施;n. 工具,器具

  The imperial civil examination system was implemented in China from the Sui Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. 中国从隋朝开始一直到清朝都实行科举制度。

  215. challenge ['t??l?nd?]: n. 艰巨的任务;怀疑;挑战;vt. 反对

  I think it is an honor to have a chance to challenge Zhang Yining to (play) a game of table tennis. 我想如果有机会挑战张怡宁打一场乒乓球的话,那将会是件很荣幸的事情。

  216. doubtful ['da?tf?l]: adj. 难以预测的;可疑的

  Any theory that has not been tested is just a doubtful one. 任何未经检验的理论都是不足为信的。

  217. barrier ['b?r??]: n. 栅栏;障碍;屏障

  The football fans broke through the barriers and rushed onto the pitch. 球迷们冲破栅栏进入球场。

  218. convenience [k?n'vi?n??ns]: n. 方便;便利设施

  We bought this house for its convenience: it’s very near the shops and there is a good transport service.我们买这房子是因为它很方便:离商店很近,而且交通也很便利。

  219. string [str??]: n. 弦,线,细绳;一串;vt. 用线串;悬挂

  I have broken a string in my tennis racket. 我把网球拍上的一根绷绳给弄断了。

  220. cruise [kru?z]: vi. 航游;缓慢巡行;n. 航游

  Quite a few taxis are cruising for fares near the cinema. 不少计程车在电影院附近转悠着等着拉客。




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