
2018-08-29 10:35 1719185次浏览




  If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? What's your reason for choosing this job? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

  Describe a special job that you have had in the past or one that you would like to have in the future. Include details and examples in your explanation.


  Describe a behavior that many people may do in public that you find inconsiderate.这道题中并没有生词,字面意思大家基本都能看懂。但之所以大家会犯嘀咕,可能是对题目的逻辑不太有把握。描述一个你觉得在公共场合最不礼貌的行为。这个其实很好做答的,解题思路:


  be involved in(沉浸在)

  the newly released blockbuster(最新上映的大片)


  be extremely offended(大为反感)

  precious movie-watching experience(宝贵的观影经历)。

  As for me, making conversations in the cinema is extremely inconsiderate, however, some people tend to do it every now and then. A cinema is the place to enjoy high-quality movies, and recharge ourselves. So, what we should do is to keep quite during the play at the very least. What happened last week was that a bunch of high school students sitting behind me were talking and laughing at their normal volume during the whole film. Since my friend and I were constantly annoyed by the noise, which made it impossible for us to concentrate on the movie, I turned round and told them to stop, but they even wouldn’t bother to lower their voice a little bit. This was like the most infuriating movie-watching experience ever.

  像这类的题目If a foreign friend visits your country, what suggestions about polite and impolite behaviors would you give your friend?

  这是Task1中经典的Free-choice题目 Describe Question中的抽象物品类话题,只需描述出令人”annoying”的行为并给出合理解释即可。

  此题答案可以是任何公共场合中发生的令人不悦以及不礼貌的行为,可以是插队(queue-jumping), 在图书馆大声说话(speaking loudly in the library), 人畜随地大小便(public defecation)等等。 以speaking loudly in the library为例,理由如:

  Distract other people’s attention, esp. mine, can’t be concentrated on study, esp. exam review;无规矩不成方圆(Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.),严重影响library安静的环境,不利于秩序的维护;library should be a quiet place, without any disturbance for people to study or do reading rather than a noisy market or your own home to do whatever you want.

  此题考察考生对描述类题目抽象物品题的表述能力,难度适中偏难,需要注意的是,此题是重复多次的原题。备考的考生需引起足够的重视,与之相关的有关礼节性的题目应积极整理进行备考, 虽然遇到较少,但也要进行相应总结;

  其次,此题的impolite behavior in public很多同学们可能会固定模式考虑随地吐痰、扔纸屑等不良行为,也可,但注意,其实应把思路放宽,可以考虑在图书馆大声喧哗、带宠物上街随地大小便等都可以作为素材,甚至最近身边发生的sexual harassment也可以作为素材拿来说,不一定非要是亲身经历的事情才可以,只要给出两个合理的解释为什么annoying即可,可以从personal 及general两个角度给出两个理由。




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