UKiset写作范文:原著 & 电影你更爱谁?

2020-01-13 11:07 412846次浏览



  Many moviemakers make movies based on books. Some people prefer to read the book before they watch the movie, while other people prefer to watch the movie before they read the book.

  Which do you prefer?



  Many people do not seem to have the patience to read books, particularly those of long fiction, probably because movies are the goodalternativethat could also tell people the stories yet in a much shorter time, thanks to the smart moviemakers and their splendid work. In fact, they do read books, however, only after they watch the movies instead ofthe other way around. I am one of those people.←注意开头段落的内容设计,没有循规蹈矩的复制题目的内容,而是铺设了一个“引子”,而后,最后一句表达自己的立场时,也没有直白古板。

UKiset写作范文:原著 & 电影你更爱谁?


  (Here in this sample essay, we present one paragraph for our readers to learn)

  The first reason is a rather simple one.←短句套话起头。The movie-before-book way gives people the flexibility and choice. Toexpound onthe flexibility and choice, viewers can either read the book after watching the movie, to find more about the story, or choose not to read the book because the movie does not stimulate their interest in the story. Also, if they read the book is before watching the movie and never finish the story for various reasons, they will probably also pass the movie and miss the chance to know the story, which may be exciting.←连续两个长句陈述本段的中重点内容(之一),然后,短句控制信息节奏。→That would be a pity. Also, reading only part of the book and thus having no clue or the proper ending about the story would be a waste of time. The contrary is that they watch the movie in the full length of the story, which would be two hours as the maximum, and decide that the story is lack ofinspirations orsparkles, and can safelyskipthe book.←长短句配合陈述本段的中重点内容(之一)。→The two hours’ time wasted would not be asregrettableas the time wasted on the opposite way.


  (Here in this sample essay, we present one paragraph for our readers to learn)


  Iread books of fiction, of biography or of true events. Reading brings greatenjoyment, which is not lesserpleasurethan watching the movies. However, I am a viewer before I am a reader.←不要不敢短小的结尾段。结尾段完成功能和目的 — 粗线条总结全文,再次表达立场 — 就好。  



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