
2020-01-14 11:04 410131次浏览

  因为SAT写作考查的是不同维度的能力,所以并没有用一个分涵盖学生在作文里所体现的所有能力,而是会给考生们三个小分,分别对应学生们的“阅读” “分析”和“写作”三项能力。今天小编就说说关于SAT写作话题之文化类,一起学习吧。


  The cultural fusion and integration is the natural result of the development of economy. There exist both benefits anddrawbacks in this trend.



  1.further/deepen mutual understanding (communication) between different countries 促进交流

  2.promote the inter-development of cultures (borrowing/taking in the essences and discarding the dross) 促进文化的相互发展(取其精华,去其糟粕)


  1.Produce/generate the conflicts and clashes between different countries(culturaldifference/shock) 导致冲突 (文化差异)

  2.weaken/erode/destroy the cultural identity 消弱/破坏文化独特性

  (cater to the immigrant residents/people’s mentality commercial purpose) 迎合移民的心理/商业

  Preserving the cultural diversity is of great significance to people in terms of survival.



  * 使人们了解自己的特点、文化背景,具有较强的身份感(sense of identity);

  * 对于整个人类社会而言,文化的多元性(diversity)可以保证人们用不同的方式看待问题;

  * 和生物多样性类似,文化多样性对人类的长期存在有深远影响(the long-term survival of humanity )。



  *食:快餐的流行是一大变化;同时,伴随着全球化,各国特色的食物(ethnic food)也随处可见,比如韩国菜、泰国菜、日本菜; 快餐和容易准备的食物(easier-prepared food/instant noodles, frozen food, semi-finished food)



  *语言:小语种(lesser-known language)要不要保护, 语言学习和文化,语言统一


  Fashion trends are difficult to follow these days and it is widely believed that there trends exist just to sell clothes. Some people argue that we should not follow fashion trends and we should dress in the way we like. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  It is widely believed in today’s world that the latest fashion trends hold great significance. On the other hand, such trends are believed to be set only in the pursuit of profits for large designer companies. Personally I think that we should pay more attention to individuality and comfort in the way that we dress.

  Firstly, fashion designs exist as a form of creative artistic expression of the designer. Although this may be true, undoubtedly such designs take away individuality once a trend is set in place. There is nothing unique about wearing what everybody else does. If everyone wears the latest colour and design in summer skirts, do we look the same?

  Secondly, it is possible that fashion trends can look extremely stylish to the general public. However, the main purpose of wearing clothes is for more functional reasons. Clothes were traditionally worn to protect people from climatic conditions. For instance, even today clothes are still worn basically to keep people warm and dry in winter and cool in summer.

  Finally, fashion certainly gives us a sense of confidence and pride in our appearance. While this is certainly a good point, it also means that following such changeable trends proves to be expensive. For example, purchasing every latest season’s fashion clothing will of course blow the budget of many people, especially young people.

  In conclusion, there are various arguments to support the dismissal of fashion trends, including not following others, comfort and price, which I strongly agree with.



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