
2021-01-26 14:08 1647次浏览

  SSAT写作放在考试的第一部分,时间25分钟,是一篇手写作文。严格来说,这个写作“考试”不是考试的一部分。考卷上印的官方名字叫“写作样本(Writing Sample)”。考卷导语说:“学校想通过你写的一篇文章或者故事,进一步了解你(The school would like to know you better through an essay you write or a story you tell.)。”这个部分不算分,但是直接寄给考生申请的学校。

  The spread of multinational companies and the resulting increase in globalization will have positive effects on everyone.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.



  题型特点:题目是绝对的观点,包含了’have positive effects on everyone’这样片面的说法。考生需要对其表示明确的态度,建议采用不同意的观点,在文中对全球化现象的积极影响加以肯定,但也要陈述并非对‘每个人’都有积极影响。









  For the past decades, the development of cross-national enterprises and the consequent globalization has brought drastic changes to almost every country and individual in the world. Many people embrace this trend, extolling the opportunities and economic growth. Despite its obvious benefits, I do not agree that everyone has been a beneficiary.

  The positive outcomes associated with multinational companies are mainly found in economic and culture aspects. For underdeveloped regions, the much lower cost in labor force is a compelling reason for international companies to allocate more investment, which stimulates the domestic productivity and increases the income of people in these areas. An illustration for this is that a number of well-known enterprises have expanded their business, set up their branches or established new headquarters in areas including Southeast Asia and Africa, where the economy has boomed in recent decades. Not only that, these companies also contribute to cultural exchanges and bridge gaps between nations, because they convey their values while spreading, which means the culture barriers between various countries can be largely eliminated.

  Unfortunately, this trend has not been perceived as an encouraging sign in some parts of the world. In the process of expansion, multinational companies exploit new regions to a large extent, giving rise to a series of environmental concerns, which is one of the many reasons why these companies are condemned by the society. In this sense, the life condition of people in such areas may become impaired because of aggravating air quality, water systems and sanitation. For developed regions where labor force cost is relatively higher, grass-roots workers can be faced with unemployment when they have to compete with their cheaper counterparts all over the world. This negative repercussion has long been recognized by economists, and is now a publicly realized challenge. In many settings, blue collar workers in developed countries have censured globalization for taking away their livelihood ruthlessly.

  To conclude, while praising and endorsing the positive effects of globalization, I contend it is essential to examine the negative outcomes from various perspectives. The world still needs to pay more effort in addressing the resulting environmental issues and social problems.

  (355 words)


  1.cross-national enterprise 跨国企业

  2.consequent adj. 由此而来的

  3.drastic change 巨大的改变

  4.embrace v. 拥抱

  5.extol v. 称颂

  6.beneficiary n. 受益者

  7.associate with 与..相关的

  8.compelling adj. 有说服力的

  9.allocate v. 分配

  10.domestic productivity 国内生产力

  11.illustration n. 说明,例子

  12.expand one’s business 拓展业务

  13.set up branches 建立分部

  14.bridge gap between 搭建…的桥梁 perceived as 被认为是…

  16.encouraging sign 鼓舞人心的标志

  17.environmental concerns 环境问题

  18.condemn v. 谴责

  19.impair v. 损害

  20.aggravating adj. 恶化的

  21.grass-roots workers 基层工人

  22.repercussion n. 后果

  23.censure v. 谴责,声讨

  24.livelihood n. 生计

  25.endorse v. 赞扬,支持

  26.from various perspectives 从多种角度 



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