
2017-06-20 16:07 1955561次浏览


1. Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child, explain you answer in details.

2. Describe an interesting clothes in your country and explain why it is interesting.

3. Describe how cellphones change people’s lives. Please give your  answer with specific examples and details.

4. Describe a change that happened in your country, and how it has affected people’s life. Explain your answer in details.

5. Describe a person you would like to learn more about and explain why. Please include specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

6. Describe a person whom you‘d like to talk with often  (this person could beone of your close friends, family members or teachers).  Explain why you’d like to talk with this person and what you‘d like to talk about.

7. Describe the most important decision you’ve ever made in your life. Explain why it’s important.


8. Describe a gift you want to give to someone. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.

9.People face many difficulties in life. Which one of the following time period is the most difficult for you?  Childhood, teenage hood or adulthood? Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.

10. Describe time when you are asked to do something you do not want to do, and what happened as a result.

11. Describe your favorite school subject. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.

12. Describe a family activity that you enjoy most. Please use specific reasons and example to support your response.

13. Describe a skill you are good atFor examplepainting or a kind of sport, and explain why it is important to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

14. What's the most important quality a good neighbor should have? Include reasons and details to support your response.

15. Choose ONE of the forms of the technology in the list and tells why it changes (has had great impact) people's lives in your country?  a) The airplane   b)The computer   c)The Television

16. What are some important effects of internet on modern people's life? Use specific details and examples to support your response?

17. If a tourist wants to visit your country, what should he pay attention to?

18. Your friend wants to build up a restaurant.  What suggestions would you like to give regarding food and location. Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation.

19. Describe a job you've done in the pastor a job you'd like to do in the future. Please include specific details inyour answer.

20. What's you favorite toy or game in your childhood?



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