
2017-12-11 17:05 1906834次浏览


  Science Vocabulary

  Science is such a vast subject matter that pretty much covers every aspect of our lives; so, everything you may ever learn or know may be included in the science vocabulary. In fact, the definition of science is "the state or fact of knowledge." Below are some specific scientific vocabulary words to get you started towards expanding your knowledge of some popular sciences.




  Aerobiology – 空气生物学 (aero+biology)

  The study of organic particles that are transported by the air. It is also branch of biology.

  Amphibian – 两栖动物

  a type of vertebrate that lives a portion of its life in water and another part on land.

  Astronomy – 天文学

  the scientific study of heavenly bodies

  Atmosphere –大气层

  the blanket of gases surrounding the earth.

  Bacteria – 细菌

  one-celled living organisms. They have no nucleus in their cells

  Biology – 生物学

  the scientific study of living things

  Botany – 植物学

  the scientific study of plants

  Cardiology –心脏学

  the scientific study of the heart

  Carbon cycle – 碳循环

  the constant exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen among living things

  Carnivore – 食肉动物

  an organism that eats other animals

  Cell – 细胞

  The smallest unit of living matter

  Climate –气候

  The prevailing weather conditions of a region.

  Dermatology -皮肤学

  the scientific study of the skin

  Earthquake – 地震

  the shaking of the earth’s crust and mantle

  Ecosystem – 生态系统

  the group of living and non-living things in an environment.

  Electricity –电

  a form of energy produced from the active energies of wind, water, oil, or coal.

  Embryology – 胚胎学

  the scientific study of embryos

  Erosion – 侵蚀

  the weathering away of rock pieces.

  Evaporation - 蒸汽

  The process by which a liquid changes into a gas

  Evolution – 进化

  a change in a population’s gene pool from one generation to another generation by such processes such as natural selection, mutation, and genetic drift.

  Galaxy – 银河系

  a collection of stars




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