
2018-03-12 17:11 1856833次浏览


  1. urbanization 城市化

  2. centralization 集中化

  3. imbalance 不平衡

  4. in the long run 从长远角度而言

  5. infrastructure 基础设施


  6. booming 繁荣发展的

  7. tertiary industry 第三产业

  8. tranquility 宁静

  9. revenue 税收

  10. commercialization 商业化

  11. traffic congestion 交通拥挤

  12. water scarcity 水短缺

  13. the environmental pollution 环境污染

  14. over-industrialization 过度工业化

  15. over-crowdedness 过度拥挤

  16. unemployment 失业

  17. wealth distribution 财富分配

  18. social instability 社会动荡

  19. urban construction 城市建设

  20. population explosion 人口激增

  21. a rising crime rate 犯罪率上升

  22. drain of energy and resources


  23. offer more job opportunities


  24. a rapid pace of life 快节奏生活

  25. stress-related illnesses 与压力有关的疾病

  26. high cost of living 高额生活费用

  27. pastoral life 田园生活

  28. class polarization 阶级两极分化

  29. social welfare 社会福利

  30. give special care to …给予…特殊关照

  31. urban sprawl 城市扩张

  32. convenient transportation means


  33. better medical services 更好的医疗服务

  34. pressure of modern life in city


  35. be vulnerable to …易于患上…

  36. melting pot 熔炉

  37. on the brink of …处于…边缘

  38. pollutant 污染性物质

  39. waste disposal 废物处理

  40. put the blame on …归咎于…

  41. be attributable to …归因为…

  42. ways of consumption 消费方式

  43. suffer heavy losses 遭受重大损失

  44. citizen 居民

  45. be confronted with…面临着…

  46. breed crimes 滋生犯罪

  47. vicious cycle 恶性循环

  48. a feasible measure 一种可行的措施

  49. give priority to …优先考虑…

  50. city planners 城市规划者


  1. urbanization - n. 都市化;文雅化

  The second great reform era is the Progressive Era, a great response to urbanization, industrialization and immigration, as it had never quite happened before.

  第二个时期是进步时期,对于城市化的大力响应,工业化和移民入境,这是之前从未有过的。(《耶鲁公开课 - 美国内战与重建》课程节选)

  2. centralization - n. 集中化;中央集权管理

  That is they don't want--or more broadly they don't want centralization of power in the government.

  那意味着,他们不希望-或更广泛地说,他们不希望权力全部集中在政府手中。(《耶鲁公开课 - 金融市场》课程节选)

  3. imbalance - n. [医]不平衡;不安定

  This connection he has established between justice in the city and justice in the soul, what are the therapies or strategies for solving injustice in the soul ? or imbalance of some kind in the soul?

  他在城市中的正义,灵魂中的正义间,建立了这个关连,有哪些疗法或策略,可用于解决灵魂中的不公,或灵魂中的某种不平衡?(《耶鲁公开课 - 政治哲学导论》课程节选)

  4. in the long run - 长远

  If we do justice and if we respect rights, society as a whole will be better off in the long run.

  如果我们秉持公正,尊重权利,从长远看,社会整体会发展得更好。(《耶鲁公开课 - 公正》课程节选)

  5. infrastructure - n. 基础设施;公共建设;下部构造

  Of course, but before we set up a marketing and distribution infrastructure, we should finish optimizing the manufacturing process.

  当然,但建立销售和分销基础设施前,我们得先完善好制作工艺。(《生活大爆炸》第2季 第18集)

  6. booming - adj. 兴旺的,繁荣的;大受欢迎的

  And the service sector economy in India is booming and finally even the industry sector has done a little better.

  其第三产业开始高速发展,最后连第二产业,也蓬勃发展起来。(《普林斯顿公开课 - 国际座谈会》课程节选)

  7. tertiary industry - 第三产业

  The writer points out the modern industries and the tertiary industries are two concepts which are connected with each other but also have obvious distinctions.

  笔者指出,现代服务业与第三产业应当是相互关联而又有着显著区别的两个概念,交叉部分之外各有保留。(《Journal of Shandong Institute of Business and Technology》 2008-03)

  8. tranquility - n. 宁静;平静

  Poetry, in Frost, is action, not a matter, as Wordsworth would say, of emotion recollected in tranquility.

  就像华兹华斯说的诗歌对于弗罗斯特是动作不是事情,不是宁静时收集的情绪。(《耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌》课程节选)

  9. revenue - n. 税收,国家的收入;收益

  The revenue, we're generating over a million dollars a month in revenue, and well more, and that way covers our expenses and we're not even doing anything cool yet.

  现在,每个月的营业收入,都超过100万,或许更多,这大大超过了开支,我们什么都没做就已经收到了丰厚的回报。(《斯坦福公开课 - 扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程》课程节选)

  10. commercialization - n. 商品化,商业化

  This commercialization is at odds with the idea of parkour as being a discipline of great simplicity, elegance, and subtlety.





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