
2018-03-17 15:23 1854816次浏览

  最近有不少参加2018年考试的烤鸭们反映题目觉得写的也还差不多啊,怎么是5 。老师仔细一问就发现原因了,原来是雅思跑题了。

  那么最近的题目为什么大家会跑题呢?题目有什么特征呢?我们来看一下2018年2月10号的题目Some people spend more time reading books, while others prefer to watch TV. People of the former group are more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a much better grasp of language skills. Do you agree or disagree?



  Paragraph 1 : state opinion In my opinion , people should spend more time reading books .

  Paragraph 2 : Books can help people know about the world .

  Paragraph 3 : People can acquire more academic content through books.

  Paragraph 4 : In conclusion , people should give priority to books .



  Paragraph 1 : In my opinion , books are more useful than watching TV to cultivate children’s language skill .

  Paragraph 2 : Books give more language descriptions and more lexical resources .

  Paragraph 3 : Compared with watching TV , people can have more practise through books.

  Paragraph 4 : In conclusion , people should choose to reading books rather than watching TV .

  那这位同学关注到论点在第二句了,那么问题在题目中让我们讨论的是看书比看电视在两个方面---培养想象力和掌握语言技能上更好,这位考生只关注了语言技能这方面忽视了想象力,考官在评价时还是会给出do not well address the topic ,根据我们剑8上一篇类似的错误考官给出的评价应该是5.5分,还得是词汇和语法用的不错的前提下。

  剑桥8 P165详细的如下:This answer addresses both questions , but the first is not well covered in terms of how actual relationships have changed . Nevertheless , there is a clear opinion that the effects have been positive and relationships have improved , with some relevant ideas to support this. There is a general progression to the argument , with some effective use of time markers and linker.There is also some repetition , however. Paragraphing is not always logical ,and ideas are not always well linked . A range of vocabulary that is relevant to the topic is used , including some precise and natural expressions. There are quite a lot of mistakes in word form ,word choice or spelling , but these do not usually reduce understanding .A variety of sentence types is used, but not always accurately . Errors in grammar and punctuation are distracting at times , but only rarely cause problems for the reader.

  从这里我们可以明显看出,考官对于该考生的语法和词汇的评价还是可以的,那为什么还是5.5呢,第一句占了重要因素吧。 所以同学们一定要注意题目问什么,答什么,千万不要漏掉关键信息。

  你以为2018年就这一个难的题目,那就太天真了,我们来看另一个审题较难的题目,In many countries, prison is the most common solution to the problem of crime. However, another effective way is to provide people with higher education so that they can not become criminals. Do you agree or disagree? 2018.3.3 在这个题目中很多同学一上来就论述监狱不是一个有效的办法。提纲是这样的

  Paragraph 1 In my opinion , putting criminals into prison is not an effective way to solve the problem of crime.

  Paragraph 2 it is true that prison do have deterrent effects to potential criminals .

  Paragraph 3 however , some people , especially young people in poverty , convict crime is not evil in nature ,so we should give them education to correct them .

  Paragraph 4 In conclusion , we should give criminals education instead of putting criminals in prison .


  但是我们仔细看题目,however 前后两个句子,明显重点在后面,而且前面一个在题目中是一个既定的不需要你去否认或者承认的,它就是一个背景事实。我们仔细审题,题目意思应该是在很多国家,监狱是最常见的解决犯罪的方式。然而另外一种有效的办法是给人们提供高等教育来减少犯罪。 注意这里不是探讨犯罪的处罚方式,犯了罪以后用教育和工作培训的方法作为温和的处罚模式。而是讨论高等教育能不能预防犯罪。


  Paragraph 1 In my opinion , higher education contributes most to crime prevention .

  Paragraph 2 higher education provide people specialized knowledge to support themselves well in the society ,which dramatically decreases crimes related to money . -----detail doctor lawyer 这种受过高等教育的人才会有稳定的工作,抢劫偷窃(robbery ,theft)等犯罪率远远低于普通人。

  Paragraph 3 higher education means that people have more access to moral education and the cost of crime . ---detail 展开写,受过高等教育的人更理性,知道判断对错,引用Mark Twain 一句话 every time you close a school ,you must open a crime . 受过高等教育的人知道走私(smuggle)是犯罪,而一些没受过教育的人可能仅仅认为运输物品而已。

  Paragraph 4 In conclusion , it is likely that the crime rate will decline with the spread of advanced education .




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