
2018-04-12 10:26 1836233次浏览




  1. 普通力学和量子力学是不用比较的,量子力学研究很小的物质,普通力学研究宏观物理的现象 retell lecture

  2. 很短 一个学生抱怨自己的课多 一个人问另外一个你的课怎么样 另外一个叫lynn 说幸亏自己不是学science的 选项 应该选两个学science的抱怨课多 lynn说自己很多optional 但很多作业要写

  3. 讲一个男老师给一个女学生透题,激情满满,老师给了所有past test papers,说所有她们学习过的topic都可能考到,考试的时候考两道题,一道是已经学习过的,价值50%,另外一道会surprising,为什么呢?因为考试会给七道没见过的题,然后学生可以从中选一道来做。问这个老师透露了那些信息。其中有一个选项是past paper

  4. 教授问学生论文中的观点是自己的还是参考别的素材,学生说是参考的,于是教授希望学生把这些参考明确 出来,修改完善后再提交。问教授希望学生做什么?

  5. voting machine好像在哪个练习里听过

  Voting machines are the total combination of mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic equipment (including software, firmware, and documentation required to program control, and support equipment), that is used to define ballots; to cast and count votes; to report or display election results; and to maintain and produce any audit trail information. The first voting machines were mechanical but it is increasingly more common to use electronic voting machines.

  A voting system includes the practices and associated documentation used to identify system components and versions of such components; to test the system during its development and maintenance; to maintain records of system errors or defects; to determine specific changes made after initial certification; and to make available any materials to the voter (such as notices, instructions, forms, or paper ballots).

  Traditionally, a voting machine has been defined by the mechanism the system uses to cast votes and further categorized by the location where the system tabulates the votes.

  Voting machines have different levels of usability, security, efficiency and accuracy. Certain systems may be more or less accessible to all voters, or not accessible to those voters with certain types of disabilities. They can also have an effect on the public's ability to oversee elections.




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