
2018-08-10 11:51 1746176次浏览


  方法: 抽象概念具体化


  Hmmm,在众多话题中,大家普遍发现最难“攒”出来的就是越考越多的社会生活类话题。以年度为单位统计的话,16年度此类话题占比大约21.21%, 而17年全年社会类话题考了27.17%,提高了近六个百分点。并且,就18年的形式判断,这一类话题的比重会持续增大。让我们用例题来说话:



  If universities are given financial support for research and development, which of the following fields do you think the universities should pursue:

  1. To predict weather more accurately

  2. To develop an effective method to clean the rivers and the ocean

  3. To develop outer space technologies

  乍一看到这道题,很多人都会一丝蒙圈,然后含泪向苍天“Why me???”但其实我们完全可以把这种貌似逼格很高的话题拉到人间,变得既接地气又好表达。

  比如,例题的本质是一道“社会资源分配”题。社会资源的合理分配,换言之就是 政府、机构、学校等如何花钱的问题。那么钱花到哪里去了呢?老百姓/ 纳税人 身上啊!我们作为老百姓的一员,当然可以站在我自己的角度,议一议到底如何花钱啊!这样做还有一个好处,那就是容易出细节,大家都知道,有表现力的细节表达,是 language得分的大杀器。

  如,我们选第一个用途 “To predict weather more accurately”,可以采用这个思维逻辑来cover两段式的第一段:


  2)理由1:八大理由便利 -- 为市民提供便利;



  参考答案part1:1) I am more comfortable to have the universities provide financial support to predict weather more accurately. (题干转述,切忌朗读过快,要自然匀速)

  2)Because it benefits us on the daily basis.

  3) For example, say if the weather forecast could tell me exactly at what time there will be rains and snowstorms , it will be easier for me to know when to bring an umbrella to school or work.

  4) So I don't get soaking wet.

  Part2 各位同学可以通过其他思路再想一点,比如避免极端天气保障市民安全。


  让我们再试一条,假设选择To develop an effective method to clean the rivers and the ocean要怎么具象化呢?不妨就说说咱们自己的饮水问题咯。思路(两段式/第一段):





  参考答案:1)I think the money should go to the research for an effective way to clean the rivers and the oceanbecause water pollution is one of the most pressing problems of our time.

  2) Almost allof our drinking water resources, like…the tap water in Shanghai, trace back to the ocean and river system.

  3) If the water resources are contaminated, people rely on the rivers fordrinkingwaterwillsick and sometimes develop cancer.

  4) This is definitely what we don’t want to see.

  OK, 大家知道这种思路的画风了吗?赶紧自己动手攒一道题吧!分类依旧是“社会资源-三选一”


  If a major is to be selected from the following candidates, who all have no political but are successful in their own field, which one do you think is the best candidates for mayor?

  1)A university student

  2)A businessman

  3)A doctor



  参考答案1(选医生):I would vote for the doctor to be the mayor. I think it is crucial that we can get takencare of properly when we aresick. If someone who has a medical background can be our mayor, then he or she can make sure there are enough hospitals built in the city, and there are more resources devoted to educate professional personals to work in the field, like doctors and nurses. And a second thing is, this person would also be able to invest or devote more money and man power into researching better drugs and medicines. So we might be able to kill diseases like cancer or AIDS in the near future.

  参考答案2(选教育)Education is very important. If you have someone like this to work in the office then we can make sure there are enough facilities built in my city, like kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools and more universities. And he or she would also be able to train more teachers and professors to work at these schools so young people can get proper education. If more people are educated, upon graduation, they will have better chances to find good jobs. So the unemployment rate in the city will decrease.




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