
2018-08-10 15:14 1745710次浏览



  1.alert /ə'lɜːt/ a.警觉的vt.向……报警;使意识到n.警戒;警报

  Keeping alert in the fire is important for people's finding the way out.发生火警时,保持机警对于人们逃生来讲很重要。

  2.fatal /'feɪtl/ a.致命的;重大的

  “To be or not to be” was the fatal decision for Hamlet.对于哈姆雷特来说,“是活下去,还是选择死亡"是一个重大的决定。”

  3.behalf /bɪ'hɑːf/ n.利益,方面

  Mother Teresa’s efforts on behalf of Calcutta’s poor eventually brought her the Nobel Peace Prize.德兰修女为加尔各答穷人所做的一切努力最终为她赢得了诺贝尔和平奖。

  4. decline /dɪ'klaɪn/ n./v.下降;衰退;谢绝

  Cinderella had to decline the prince’s invitation and returned home before 12 o’clock at night.灰姑娘不得不谢绝王子,在晚上12点之前赶回家。

  5. collapse /kə'læps/ vi./n.倒塌;崩溃

  Numerous houses collapsed in the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008. 2008年,无数的房屋在汶川地震中倒塌。

  6. negative /'negətɪv/ a.否定的;消极的;负的n.底片;负数

  I didn't do well in the interview with Unilever and I am afraid of getting a negative response.我到联合利华公司的面试不理想,现在真害怕收到否定的答复。

  7.obligation /ɒblɪ'geɪʃn/ n.义务,责任

  Supporting elderly parents is every adult's obligation.赡养上年纪的父母是每个成年人的义务。

  8. hostile /'hɒstaɪl/ a.敌意的;敌方的

  It was very strange how hostile she was to all the beautiful girls approaching her husband.很奇怪,她对所有接近她丈夫的漂亮女孩都心存敌意。

  9. inferior /ɪn'fɪərɪə/ a.劣等的;下级的n.下级

  No inferior products should be allowed to pass.决不允许放过任何次品。

  10. formal /'fɔːml/ a.正式的;形式上的

  Business letters are usually formal, but we write in an informal way to family members or friends.商业信件通常都是讲究格式的,但我们给家人或朋友写信就比较随便了。

  11. launch /lɔːntʃ/ vt.发动;(into, in)使开始从事;使下水;发射n.发射,投产

  Early Bird, the world’s first commercial communications satellite, was launched from Cape Kennedy in Florida in 1965.世界上第一个商用通信卫星—“晨鸟”卫星于1965年在(美国)佛罗里达州的肯尼迪角发射。

  12. identical /aɪ'dentɪkl/ a.(to, with)相同的

  My opinions are not always identical with my parents’.我的意见并不总是和父母的意见相同。13. mechanism /'meknɪzəm/ n.机械装置;机制;办法

  The watch made in Switzerland works well. The mechanisms must be very special.这块瑞士产的表走得很好,它的装置一定很特别。

  14. internal /ɪn'tɜːnl/ a.内的;国内的;内心的

  A theory has its internal logic.每种理论都有其内在逻辑性。

  15. elaborate /ɪ'læbərət/ a.精心计划的;复杂的vi.详述vt.详述;详细制订

  Just tell me the plain facts. No need to elaborate.告诉我简单的事实就行了,不要详细说明。

  16. expense /ɪk'spens/ n.花费;(pl.)开支

  House repairs, holidays and other expenses reduced her bank balance to almost nothing.修房子、度假和其他开销使她在银行的存款所剩无几。

  17. bulk /bʌlk/ n.(巨大)物体;主体;(大)量vi.变得越来越大(或重要)vt.使更大(或更厚)

  The bulk of the chickens had to be killed because of the bird flu virus.由于禽流感病毒,大部分的鸡都不得不被宰杀掉。

  18. arbitrary /'ɑːbɪtrərɪ/ a.任意的;专断的

  The diet for people who are on a diet imposes overall calorie limits, but daily menus are arbitrary.减肥食谱规定了总的热量限制,但每天的菜单可据喜好自定。

  19. competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ n.竞争,比赛

  The competition between Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola has been on for a long time.可口可乐与百事可乐的竞争由来已久。

  20. chip /tʃɪp/ n.碎片;(常pl.)炸土豆条;集成电路片;瑕疵;筹码vt.削下

  Friends are chocolate chips in the cookie of life.在生活中,朋友就像曲奇饼上的巧克力碎片。

  21. stock /stɒk/ n.库存;股票;世系;汤汁;(总称)家畜v.储备a.常备的

  The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929.纽约股票交易所于1929年大崩溃。

  22. panic /'pænɪk/ n.惊慌v.(使)恐慌

  SARS or atypical pneumonia once caused a great panic among people.非典型性肺炎曾引起人们极大的恐慌。

  23. peer /pɪə/ n.同龄人;贵族vt.仔细看

  To lessen peer (group) pressure, many schools require their students to wear uniforms.为减少来自同龄群体的压力,许多学校要求学生们穿校服。

  24. rarely /'reəlɪ/ ad.不常,难得

  Rarely is progress made in giant leaps.很少有一步登天的事情。

  25. abandon /ə'bændən/ vt.放弃;抛弃

  The heartless man abandoned his disabled wife and ran away with all their money.那个没良心的男人抛弃了残疾的妻子,还卷走了两人所有的钱。

  26. complain /kəm'pleɪn/ vi.抱怨;投诉

  Don’t always complain; remember this: no pains, no gains.别总是抱怨个不停,记住:一分耕耘,一分收获。

  27. acknowledge /ək'nɒlɪdʒ/ vt.承认;确认;报偿

  Michael Jordan was acknowledged as the best basketball player in the NBA.迈克尔·乔丹是公认的前NBA最佳篮球选手。

  28.function /'fʌŋkʃən/ n.功能;职能;重大聚会;函数vi.运行

  An old machine won’t function properly if you don't oil it regularly.旧机器如果不经常上油是不能正常运转的。

  29. circuit /'sɜːkɪt/ n.电路;环行

  I run two circuits of the track every morning in order to pass the 800-meter running test.为了800米考试过关,我每天早晨沿跑道跑两圈。

  30. scandal /'skændl/ n.丑事;流言飞语;反感

  The former president of the Philippines took tax money for his own use. It was such a scandal.菲律宾前总统贪污税款,可谓一大丑闻。




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