
2018-08-18 16:53 1734300次浏览



  A tiger is a dangerous animal √

  The tiger is a dangerous animal √

  Tigers are a dangerous animal √


  (1)不加冠词表泛指 (物质名词、抽象名词或复数)

  Water is essential for life.

  Man is a social animal. (与动物泛指用法有区别)

  Life without music would be nothing.

  I love cheese.(泛指奶酪这种物质)

  Books fill leisure time for many people

  Tigers are dangerous animals.

  Pencils contain lead.

  Wolves are carnivorous.

  Bananas are yellow.

  I am afraid of dogs.

  (2)The 加单数形式表示泛指

  The whale is the largest mammal on earth.

  The tiger is a dangerous animal.

  I love the cheese. (一定语境中限定某个或某种奶酪)

  The tigers are sleeping in the cage.(一定语境中限定的老虎)

  国籍(-ese, -sh,ch结尾的)及形容词连用时的特指

  The Chinese are a great people. (中华民族是一个伟大的民族)

  The rich avoid such temptations.

  (3)a/an 表泛指

  A teacher should be patient with his or her students.


  (一)社会文化与现实生活的特指用定冠词 the


  the Renaissance(文艺复兴)

  the Pope

  Albert Einstein, the famous physicist. (举世闻名)

  Liu Xiang, the famous hurdler. (中外皆有名)

  Here is an article about Joan Chen, a famous Chinese actress.(外国媒体报道陈冲,国外知名度有限)

  He said his name was Paul McCartney. I knew he wasn't the McCartney(重名,但不是最有名披头士保罗)

  (二)一般常识的特指用 the

  the North Pole

  the Equator

  the earth

  the moon

  the sky

  the universe


  I went to New York City last week. The traffic is awful.(那里的交通)

  The roses are very beautiful (正在看花)

  Do you need the car today (家里就一辆车)

  Let's go to the library (学校就一个图书馆)

  Shut the door, please (讲话者认为对方知道哪个门)


  Once upon a time, there was a little girl. The girl lived with her mother and father.


  “一般来说,被某个后置定语所修饰的名词的前面要用定冠词 the” (不是绝对)

  The role of woman in today's society has been achieved through centuries of major cultural changes.

  The state of women's health in the 1990s reflects the price of progress.

  The women of the other team all came from London.

  What makes us different form women of past decades is our range of choices. (泛指)

  “如果被后置定语修饰的名词是表达一个没有限制的、广泛的、不可预知的人或事物,此时的名词签名依然不用 the 来限定”。

  People who drink and drive should go to prison (泛指)

  The people who made this mess should be ashamed of themselves(特指)


  Bill is an engineer. (描述职业,不能省略)


  A cheese that I like is Camembert 一种奶酪

  I’d like a beer, please.

  A washing powder I’ve found to be extremely good is “Snow”.

  五、a/an 与 one 的区别

  1、讲故事或讲述经历,常用one 强调人或事物

  There was one lad they used to terrify······ (他们以前常吓唬一个少年)

  One night there was a terrible storm.

  2、类指意义的a/an 不能换成 one

  A shotgun is no good (猎枪不行)

  3、表度量的a/an 不能换成 one

  The rent is $100 a week

  ten dollars a day


  He is in prison for bribery 入狱

  He is often invited to the prison to give lectures 去讲课

  go to the church 不一定是去做礼拜

  go to bed 上床睡觉

  go to the bed 到床边

  come out of hospital 病愈出院

  come out of the hospital 从医院出来(比如快递员)



  in red 穿红衣服

  in the red 负债,亏损

  in the front of 在···内部的前部

  take place 发生

  take the place of 替代

  men of age 成年人

  men of an age 同龄人


  the Beatles

  learn the piano

  the Philadelphia Orchestra 费城管弦乐队


  the Kennedys



  John is captain the team

  She is chairman of the committee


  He was elected President for the second time.

  (3) “独一无二的头衔出现在宾语补足语位置”

  The elected Henry chairman

  (4) “独一无二的头衔出现在同位语位置”

  As chairman of the committee, I declare this meeting closed


  play football

  play chess



  If you destroy nature you will suffer for it


  Society turns people into criminals and then lock them up


  Man has just taken his first steps into space


  Man can conquer nature


  History may repeat itself


  in spring 在春天

  Winter is coming



  (1)用在 at,by,after,before 之后不加冠词

  at dawn 黎明时

  at noon 正午时


  wake up in the night 夜里醒来

  see nothing in the dusk

  all through the night

  十四、交通、通讯工具,用在 by 后不加冠词,其他搭配加冠词

  by car

  in the car

  by plane

  be on the plane

  by train

  take the train

  by mail

  send the letter through the mail



  the Atlantic大西洋

  the Thames 泰晤士河

  the Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠

  the Alps 阿尔卑斯山

  the Americas 南北美洲或两洲各国

  the Persian Gulf 波斯湾

  the U. S. A. 美国

  the Grand Canal 大运河

  the Warsaw Pact 华沙条约

  the Taiwan Strait 台湾海峡

  the Philippines 菲律宾群岛

  the Nansha Isles 南沙群岛

  the Yellow Sea 黄海

  the Netherlands 荷兰

  the Antarctic Circle 南极圈

  the Ukraine 乌克兰

  the West/ East End 伦敦西/ 东区

  the Sudan 苏丹

  the Crimea 克里米亚

  the Senate 参议院( 美国)

  the House of Representatives 众议院( 美国)

  the Diet 国会( 日本、丹麦)

  the Duma 国家杜马( 俄罗斯议会下院)

  the House of Lords 上议院( 英国)

  the House of Commons 下议院( 英国)

  the Treaty of Nanjing 南京条约

  the Tass 塔斯社

  the Louvre( Palace) 卢浮宫

  the Imperial Palace 故宫

  the Kremlin 克里姆林宫

  the Pentagon 五角大楼

  the Spectator《观察家》

  the Atlantic《大西洋》杂志

  the Daily Telegraph《每日电讯报》

  the Odyssey《奥德赛》

  the True Story of Ah Q《阿Q 正传》

  the Iliad《伊利亚特》

  the Three Gorges 三峡

  the Arch of Triumph 凯旋门

  the Huanghe/ the Yellow River 黄河

  the Buick Auto Company 别克汽车公司

  the Capital Airport 首都机场

  the Cape of Good Hope 好望角

  the World Health Organization 世界卫生组织

  the City of Fog 雾都

  the Industrial Revolution 工业革命( 指18 世纪后半期英国工业革命)

  the World Table Tennis Championship 世界乒乓球锦标赛

  the Rockefeller Foundation 洛克菲勒基金会

  (2)城市名称除 the Hague、the Ginza等外,一般零冠词

  (3)有Mount,Lake 等表示孤岛、独山、湖泊的名词一般零冠词,中国湖泊名词前却常带定冠词。

  Lake Baikal 贝加尔湖

  Mount Fuji 富士山

  Lake Michigan 密歇根湖

  Mount Jomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰

  Mount Blanc 勃朗峰

  Sicily Island 西西里岛

  the Dongting Lake 洞庭湖

  the Taihu(Lake)太湖


  the Great Salt Lake 大盐湖

  the Lake of Geneva/ Lake Geneva日内瓦湖

  the Isle of Man 马恩岛


  (1)从听众角度使用的一种大众媒体,radio, cinema和theatre都要带定冠词

  I always listen to the radio while I'm driving. 我总是一边开车一边听广播


  Cinema is different from theatre in several ways.


  He's worked in radio and television all his life.


  (2)指笼统的海,与陆地或是与江河湖泊相对而言,sea 是个总称名词,带定冠词 the。

  The interior is resistant to salt water, allowing the skipper to drive into a lake or the sea.

  (3)如果把海洋看作大自然的一部分,或者汹涌澎湃,或者风平浪静。人航海时把命运交给了它,只能听天由命,通常就说at sea。

  200 Burmese workers are feared lost at sea.


  safety at sea 海上安全

  rescue at sea 海上救援

  (4)如果是指“海边”而不是“海上”,可以说at the sea

  There was on each side a ridge of mountains that terminated at the sea.



  Congress 美国国会(包括参众两院),原先在《美国宪法》中多处带定冠词the (26 次),但也偶尔不带而只说Congress (5 次)。后来越来越少用the Congress,通常只说Congress。连华盛顿、杰斐逊也常说Congress。后来罗斯福、杜鲁门、艾森豪威尔等几任总统以及最高法院首席大法官沃伦等曾经有意恢复说the Congress,但仍然成不了风气。现在几乎没有人说the Congress 的了。但是the Supreme Court, the Cabinet, the Senate 等仍然必须带定冠词。




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