PTE口语中Pie Chart满分模板,还不收藏吗

2018-09-29 15:55 1644489次浏览

  饼图(pie chart),算是图表题里最简单的一种类型啦!可是想拿高分可没那么容易。大家在学习雅思的过程中,一定已经对饼图非常熟悉了,但不同于雅思的是,这种题型只在PTE口语describe image中测试。课窝网相信大家都会写,但是如何说?并且在40秒的时间内将完整的信息表达出来,可就没那么容易了。语速流利还不能说一句废话。看例题:





  In last week’s poll we asked what is your favorite streaming music service? There are tons of options out there from Google Play Music to Pandora. With so many options it can be hard to stick with just one. That’s why we wanted to know who had your loyalty, when it came to getting your tunes wherever you might be.




  Google Music led the way in last week’s poll, grabbing first place with a whopping 40 percent. Not far behind at 32 percent of the vote, was Spotify. In third place was Other, with only 8 percent of the vote. Pandora slid into fourth place, with 7 percent. Amazon Prime Music managed to snag 5 percent of the overall vote, and Apple Music had another 4 percent. In seventh place with only 2 percent of the vote was Slacker. Tidal and Rhapsody tied for eighth place, with only 1 percent of the vote each. Our last place was also a tie of 0 percent for both R.dio and Last.Fm.



  Google Music led the way in last week’s poll, grabbing first place with a whopping 40 percent.

  第一句话中,grabbing first place: 现在分词做状语表伴随动作;

  whopping:(adj.巨大的) If you describe an amount as whopping, you are emphasizing that it is large. e.g. The Russian leader won a whopping 89.9 percent yes vote.

  Not far behind at 32 percent of the vote, was Spotify.

  第二句话用了倒装句型,正常的语序是Spotify was not far behind at 32 percent of the vote;同时这里直接用介词at+百分比来表达数据分析。

  In third place was Other, with only 8 percent of the vote.


  Pandora slid into fourth place, with 7 percent.

  第四句话中动词是亮点,slide into(slid是slide的过去式),表示滑到了第四位。

  Amazon Prime Music managed to snag 5 percent of the overall vote, and Apple Music had another 4 percent.

  前面几句话中都是用介词(at/ with) +百分比的形式,而第五句话中采用动词snag/have +百分比的形式。墨尔本文波雅思PTE的小编都快被这么多变的句式折服了,大家要多多学习,勤加练习,用到考试中。

  Snag:(n.小问题)a snag is a small problem or disadvantage

  (v.钩破) if you snag part of your clothing on a sharp or rough object or if it snags, it gets caught on the object and tears.

  In seventh place with only 2 percent of the vote was Slacker. Tidal and Rhapsody tied for eighth place, with only 1 percent of the vote each. Our last place was also a tie of 0 percent for both R.dio and Last.Fm.

  最后一段的亮点是tie的使用,Tidal and Rhapsody tied for eighth place 这里tie作动词,Our last place was also a tie of 0 percent …. 此处tie是名词。




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