
2018-10-19 14:13 1606808次浏览



  Space travel has been possible for some time. Some people think space tourism can help to develop countries' economy, what do you think?What are the positive and negative about it?[A1]


  There has always been different opinions towards space travel since it is a brand new activity which shows the progress of our high technology. Some people claim that space tourism is beneficial foreconomical [A2]development.

  Surely it can boost prosperity of economy on many aspects. During this kind of unique journey, it is possible for scientists to find some new elements which may promote the scientific research. Another advantage is that travelling to the outer space may be everyone's dream. Thus they will try their best to be one of travelers no matter how much money it costs. In this way , consumption leads to moreeconomical [A3]benefits. More than that, if a country hosts such space- traveling activities, it will also attract some indirect profits. To be more specific, this nation will show its comprehensive strength unintentionally which elevates interest from foreign businessmen and tourists. Thus, both business and tourism will produce further progress.

  However, whether it is suitable for a country to develop space tourism depends on different scenarios. If the gap between the poor and the rich constantly increases in a certain country, such kind of activities should be discouraged since government is supposed to consider people's well-being as priority.

  Besides, in spite of some merits which brought by space tourism, there must be some demerits. For instance, pollution is a world-wide issue. There is no doubt that people will also carry some pollutants or rubbish to the outer space during the trip. In addition, the safety cannot be insured because there are so manyundiscoverable[A4] things which are out of control.All in all, it still need considerations before taking action.[A5]







  本文感觉上缺了一个结尾段。发展太空事业的优缺点论述分开两段去说,结尾段的what do you think在表达自己观点的时候做个五五分就比较好了,结构上还需要调整。





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