
2018-11-10 14:29 1548376次浏览



  Feminism: “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes” and “organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests.”





  1.1月份,在华盛顿大批女性走上街头的Women's March (“女性大游行”)和之后相继在美国各地进行的同类型游行,以及继而引发的对这类游行是否属于女权主义性质的讨论。

  2.2月份,美国总统高级顾问Kellyanne Conway作出了“不认为自己是女权主义者”的表态。“I look at myself as a product of my choices, not a victim of my circumstances and that’s really to me what conservative feminism, if you will, is all about.”

  3.4月份上映的科幻美剧The Handmaid's Tale (《使女的故事》)以及暑期上映的由女性导演帕蒂·詹金斯执导的超级英雄电影Wonder Woman (《神奇女侠》)。



  Complicit means “helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way.” It comes from the Latin word meaning “to fold together.”



  1.3月份,Saturday NightLive(简称SNL,周六夜现场,是美国一档于周六深夜直播的喜剧类综艺节目)播放的一个嘲弄性模仿广告(parody commercial)。广告名为“Complicit”,女主暗指特朗普的女儿伊万卡,宣传的是一款名为Complicit的香水。广告时长约1分40秒,在大约1分处这样说道:"She’s a woman who knows what she wants. And knows what she’s doing.Complicit.她是那种知道自己想要什么的女人。她也知道自己在做什么。同谋。"

  2.4月份,伊万卡在接受CBS电台的This Morning 主持人Gayle King采访时,对方问whether she and her husband were “complicit” in what was going on in the White House,伊万卡先是回答说她 "didn't know what it means to be ‘complicit.’",不过在转而对父亲特朗普的执政能力表示一番赞美钦佩后,又话锋一转说:“Ifbeingcomplicitiswantingtobeaforceforgoodandtomakeapositiveimpact,thenI’mcomplicit.”

  3.5月份,美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长James Comey白被特朗普开除,引发了很多的猜疑:"whether members of Trump's administration werecomplicitinthe firing of James Comey"。


  Recuse means “to disqualify (oneself) as judge in a particular case” and “to remove (oneself) from participation to avoid a conflict of interest.”

  “回避”指“在特定情况下,让自己不具备评判别人的资格”, 也可以指“为避免利益冲突,让自己不再参与某事”。

  这个词也带着浓厚的政治色彩,因为它之所以成为热搜词,都是因为同一个人:Jeff Sessions。Jeff Sessions是美国共和党的参议员,是2016年美国总统大选中特朗普的忠实拥趸。在2017年1月,他被特朗普提名担任司法部长。不过呢,之后对其的听证会却成了川普内阁提名中两党辩论和对抗最为激烈的一个。民主党参议员们甚至还找来各种证人对Sessions进行赤裸裸的人身攻击。

  而且不止于此。到3月份,JeffSessions宣布回避特朗普竞选团队的“通俄门”调查,引来了特朗普的不满。而更倒霉的是,之后共和党人也对Jeff Sessions提起了调查:“Republicans called on Sessions to investigate Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation's purported ties to what has been called the "Uranium One" deal with a Russian state-owned firm."

  就这样,从提名任职引发抗议,到上任又遭遇总统的信任危机,各种不顺利接踵而至,Jeff Sessions引发的各种recuse自然也引发了一次次的热搜。

  04 Empathy(同理心)词语释义

  Empathy means “the ability to share another person’s feelings”


  这个词是个很特别的热搜词,表面上似乎并没有与之直接相关的大事件,但却是一整年里经常被搜索的一个词。韦氏官网认为这个词之所以成为热搜词,大多是人们认为特朗普言论或是推行新规的时候缺乏同情心,而对其进行批评时常会用到。但最主要的原因还是2月份的伊朗导演Asghar Farhadi入境美国被拒事件。

  2月份,Asghar Farhadi导演的伊朗电影《推销员》(The Salesman)获得了第89届奥斯卡奖最佳外语片奖。但因特朗普此前的移民禁令,Asghar Farhadi却无法入境美国出席颁奖典礼,就连奥斯卡组委会发声也未能改变。而Farhadi也因此拒绝出席颁奖典礼,并通过代他领奖的人在颁奖现场,公开表达了他对这一禁令的反对:“They create empathy between us and others. An empathy that we need today more than ever.电影人的镜头会在我们和他人之间产生同理心,一种我们今日比任何时候都需要的同理心。”


  Dotard means "a person in his or her dotage" (dotage is "a state or period of senile decay marked by decline of mental poise and alertness"), and initially had the meaning "imbecile" when it began being used in the 14th century.

  “老不中用的人?”,哈哈,上面的英文解释虽然太过繁琐,用了dotard的同根词dotage解释,但意思还是能看懂的东方君就不继续啰嗦啦。只和大家一起学一个词:imbecile ,作名词时,意为“傻瓜”;作形容词时,则意为“无能,愚蠢”。

  这是个典型的老词新用,也带了强烈的政治色彩。9月份的时候,朝鲜最高领导人金正恩就特朗普在联合国大会上的演讲,发表了声明,表示朝鲜将慎重考虑采取史上最高级别的超强硬应对措施,“必须、必须以火惩治” “a mentally deranged U.S. dotard”。该词随后的搜索量一下子就比2016年增加了35,000%。


  Syzygy, pronounced /SIZ-uh-jee/, spiked on August 21, 2017, the day of the solar eclipse, whose path of totality (or total darkness) passed through North America. We define syzygy as "the nearly straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies (such as the sun, moon, and earth during a solar or lunar eclipse) in a gravitational system." The word comes from the Greek syzygos, meaning "yoked together," and has been used to refer to celestial matters since the 17th century.

  Syzygy also saw a small spike at the beginning of December because of the supermoon, which owed some of its large appearance to syzygy.




  Words looked up in the dictionary aren’t always political, and gyro proves it. The word spiked in March when a widely shared sketch from The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and country singer Luke Bryan began with them ordering from a New York City food truck and ended with a music video for a song called “I Don’t Know How to Pronounce Gyro.”

  So, how do you pronounce gyro? It depends on which gyro you're referring to. The earlier gyro is a shortening of words like gyroscope and gyrocompass and its pronunciation is based on the pronunciation of both those words, meaning it's pronounced /JEYE-roh/. This use began in the very early 1900s.

  Then, around 1970, the word gyro was taken into English from Greek cuisine. The turning spits of meat that provide the main ingredient of gyros, like the gyrocompasses and gyroscopes before, were named after the Greek verb gyros (“turn”), but this more recent borrowing followed Greek-influenced phonetic rules rather than English ones to give us /YEE-roh/ and /ZHIHR-oh/ as common pronunciations. The definition for this kind of gyro is “a sandwich especially of lamb and beef, tomato, onion, and yogurt sauce on pita bread.”

  “a sandwich especially of lamb and beef, tomato, onion, and yogurt sauce on pita bread.”

  就是一种类似食物名。它的缘起也有些无厘头。3月份的时候,在美国NBC著名的《今夜秀》(The Tonight Show)节目上,主持人Jimmy Fallon和乡村音乐歌手Luke Bryan在节目结束时播放了一首名为“I Don’t Know How to Pronounce Gyro.”的MV。在MV中,Luke Bryan站在一个流动的小吃摊前点餐,指着标着Gyro的小吃图片却不知该Gyro如何发音,后来因此创作了一首歌曲。满满乡村音乐风的歌曲就此引发了人们对该词的热搜。


  “the distribution of power in an organization (such as a government) between a central authority and the constituent units.”

  联邦主义,具体不多解释啦。还是一个政治色彩很浓的热词——难怪韦氏官网调侃地说:Words about political and economic systems have been in our top lookups for many years, and this year is no exception.

  川普上任第一天就签署命令限制了奥巴马医改,但是医疗改革还是需要的,所以而后出现了Graham-Cassidy医改法案。它是由共和党参议员格雷厄姆(Graham)和卡西迪(Cassidy)提出的新医改提案,主张废除奥巴马医保的各项补助和强制规定,代之以由联邦政府向各州提供一笔赠款,让各州自行主持自己的医保计划。在这项提案的讨论过程中,Graham曾就该法案是否能通过审议表示:Here's the choice for America: socialism or federalism when it comes to your health care. 医改这样牵动每一个人的大改革,自然引发了热搜。联邦主义一词因此搜索量比2016年增加了500% !


  Large meteorological events often drive lookups, and this year provided several big events to track: Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Maria, all of which caused widespread damage to the southeastern U.S. and the Caribbean. Hurricane was a top lookup throughout the early part of September, as these storms battered the islands and coasts.

  Lookups of hurricane often spike during and after hurricanes, though we don't think this is due to ignorance of what a hurricane is. Rather, we think people are looking up hurricane to get more detailed information. For those who are interested in a technical meaning of hurricane, we define it as "a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour or greater that occurs especially in the western Atlantic, that is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning, and that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes."

  The word came into English in the middle of the 16th century, from the Spanish huracán, which itself came from the aboriginal language Taino's hurakán.

  2017年美国遭遇了好几场大飓风的袭击,Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Maria,这几场飓风都给美国东南部以及加勒比地区造成了很大的损失。



  Gaffe is defined as "a noticeable mistake".


  无须多言,“乌龙”就意味着背后一定有大事发生。今年2月份,奥斯卡有9部电影入围最佳影片,其中,歌舞片《爱乐之城》以及讲述黑人男孩发现自我故事的《月光男孩》均是大热门。然后在颁奖时,组织方却弄了个大乌龙。颁奖者Warren Beatty因为拿错信封,宣布最佳影片得主是《爱乐之城》。然后两分钟后,正当《爱乐之城》的几位主创在台上发表得奖感言时,却被工作人员匆匆上台打断并更正这一错误。





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