
2020-08-11 16:53 790次浏览




  Children like him involved with child protective services were shown to be consistently low average math and reading standardized test scores.

  According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies in 2014 a 11 old boy was unable to live with him family,due to child Abuse.

  But up-bring in the foster care system means he has no-one to help him. It’s not his fault,yet he is being penalized for something he can’t change.

  He went to two schools while he was in foster care and one was Barr Beacon Schoo,formerly Barr Beacon Language College,is a mixed comprehensive for foster children.

  One of the recommendations was to send him to his relatives who were willing to take care until he was 18. This resulted a positive outcome in academic achievement.



  2. 长难词不一定都要懂才做的出题,巧妙运用代词,时间,逻辑转折等关系。

  3. 本篇文章看似长,选项多,但是看清逻辑很好答。

  4. 首先找出首句子,之后剩下的看代词,主语,宾语的关系。


  找到首句According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies in 2014 a 11 old boy was unable to live with him family, due to child Abuse.

  But up-bring in the foster care system means he has no-one to help him. It’s not his fault, yet he is being penalized for something he can’t change.第二句和第三句中fostercaresystem和 fostercare是重要线索。

  He went to two schools while he was in foster care and one was Barr Beacon School, formerly Barr Beacon Language College, is a mixed comprehensive for foster children.He的出现代表前面一定已经交代了he指代的是谁。

  Children like him involved with child protective services were shown to be consistently low average math and reading standardized test scores.注意 childrenlikehim的再一次出现。

  One of the recommendations was to send him to his relatives who were willing to take care until he was 18. This resulted a positive outcome in academic achievement.Oneoftherecommendations是一个解决方式对应上面的lowtestscore这个问题



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